Sandis provided on-call surveying services, as part of the District’s Measure A program. Services include: full boundary and topographic surveys including mechanical detection of underground utilities at Gunn and Palo Alto High Schools; and partial topographic surveys of Jordan, Stanford and Terman Middle Schools.
Palo Alto High School, aerial topographic survey, supplemental topographic survey, boundary survey, mechanical detection, title report, gathered addiitional spot elevations to locate additional utility information, and provided underground locating and surveying services to verify the existing storm drain line at the west side of the campus. Services also included field locating existing maholes and preparing a plat and legal description for the sanitary sewer easement.
Gunn High School, aerial topographic survey, supplemental topographic survey, boundary survey, mechanical detection, and title report. We also set points in the field along the property line and collected ground elevations where the portable buildings were removed. Sandis also provided engineering services as part of the annual Gunn High School traffic monitoring program. We provided 24-hour directional counts, summarized in 15 minute intervals. The results of the counts were summarized and compared to those completed in the previous year.
Jordan Middle School, topographic survey for the installation of future portable buildings, supplemental topographic survey and mechanical detection for storm drain over remaining campus.
Stanford Middle School, topographic survey for the installation of future portable buildings, supplemental topographic survey and mechanical detection for storm drain and sanitary over remaining campus.
Terman Middle School, supplemental topographic survey and mechanical detection for storm drain over remaining campus. We also provided topographic surveys of Areas A and B.
Fair Meadow School, boundary and topographic survey of existing school campus.
As part of Sandis’ on-call surveying contract for the Measure A Program, we provided surveying services for campus improvements. Services include: campus wide boundary survey, topographic survey and mechanical detection services.
Palo Alto High Gym
Addison Elementary School
Palo Alto High School
Henry M Gunn High School
Palo Alto USD Engineering Services
Palo Alto USD Conceptual Designs