Sandis provided civil engineering for the development of a 5-story, 160,000 s.f. engineering facility. Surveying services included as-built research, construction staking services. Engineering services included grading and drainage improvements and utilities to service the new building. Engineering services included the preparation of a grading and drainage plan, horizontal control plan, storm, sanitary sewer and water plan, as well as a site demolition plan. Throughout the design process, we paid special attention to erosion remediation and solutions, stormwater detention, flooding mitigation, geology including Karst Formations and red legged frog protection. During the final phase of the project, we provided construction administration services. Fast-track, multi-phase project was completed 15 months ahead of conventional scheduling.
Based on the success of the Baskin Engineering building, UC Santa Cruz expanded its engineering department by a new 160,000 s.f. research facility that houses two California Institutes for Science and Innovation: The Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Research (QB3) and the Center for information on Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS). Sandis provided grading and drainage improvements and utilities to service the new building. Engineering services included the preparation of a grading and drainage plan, horizontal control plan, storm, sanitary sewer and water plan, as well as a site demolition plan. Throughout the design process, we paid special attention to erosion remediation and solutions, storm water detention, flooding mitigation, geology including Karst Formations and red-legged frog protection.
UC Santa Cruz Humanities Building
UC Santa Cruz Cowell Health Center
UC Santa Cruz Housing + College Conditions Assessment
UC Santa Cruz Marine Biology Building
UC Santa Cruz Merrill College
UC Santa Cruz Student Life Social Science Facility
UC Santa Cruz Engineering II
UC Santa Cruz Student Dormitories
UC Santa Cruz College Nine Academic Building
UC Santa Cruz OPERS Fitness Center
UC Santa Cruz East Remote Parking Lot