Sandis completed front end design services as well as surveying for the development of a new 80-bed, 76,000 s.f. facility (replacing the seismically non-compliant Building 2). Surveying included the preparation of a supplemental topographic survey. Engineering services included preliminary design (Level I) including: site plan; grading and drainage plan; utility plan including storm, sanitary sewer, water and gas; and performance specifications. We also prepared preliminary design (Level II) for the parking lot serving building 2. Further phases, included the preparation of design development and contract documents. Additionally, Sandis participated in an EcoDesign Workshop to study sustainable design and LEED coordination for this project.
An existing storm drain main line passed through the project site. As part of this project, the main was relocated into the camus loop road and passed around the project perimeter. Site drainage is collected in a piping network and connects into the main. The site was broken up into five main watershed areas which drained into the existing campus main line. Each lateral connection was sized to accommodate the predicted peak flow.
VA San Francisco
VA San Francisco Post Earthquake Emergency Services + Access Facilities Renovation
VA Palo Alto (campus wide improvements)
VA Menlo Park Master Plan
VA Menlo Park Storm Drainage Improvements
Department of Veterans Affairs Acute Psychiatric Facility VA Palo Alto Acute Psych Facility
VA French Camp
VA Livermore, Campus Improvements
VA Fresno, Master Plan for Facility Exterior
VA Fremont
VA Martinez Master Plan + Expansion