The Environment as a key stakeholder…I am the stormwater manager at Sandis. My responsibilities are not just to our partners, but to the environment at large. How we design and strategize stormwater infrastructure will have immediate and lasting effects on the natural world around us. I am building a team of experts in environmental impact analysis that will make Sandis one of the leading engineering firms in environmental consulting.
On becoming an engineer… In all honesty, I had a dramatic introduction to the world of engineering when, growing up in Tuscon, AZ, an investigation revealed chemicals had been leaking into the city’s groundwater, and it was making people sick. That was when I first started recognizing the role engineers play in the world; the kinds of things they can do and how they can help. That’s when I knew I wanted to be an engineer.
Reach out to our team of experts with any questions or inquires. We would love to hear from you.