A running start… I started as a runner and blueprint maker 30 years ago, then worked my way up to project engineer, project manager, Vice President, and now serve as President of Sandis, an organization made up of some of the most remarkable people I know.
Why I do what I do… I have always been a natural fixer, I grew up in a household where we were always doing little chores around the house–fix a light here, replace a door hinge there–and at the time it didn’t seem like the most fun thing to do, but I believe it built something in me, something that compels me to get up and solve problems. I think the field of engineering draws a lot of people who share that mindset.
My management strategy… It’s important that Sandis be a comfortable place to work, it is important to me that people feel at home here. Nowadays I think it’s harder to feel connected to an organization. My perspective is probably different from a newer employee, but I think that connection can be hard because it requires people to feel comfortable enough that they can be honest, and want to talk and share things. That requires the company to want that to happen. It’s a purposeful effort to foster that kind of environment.
What is Sandis’ greatest contribution? I love all the projects we work on, but for me the most rewarding projects are our work in healthcare and education. I think those have the closest connection to the community. It’s the places where our children are educated and cured from illness or injury–places that we want the absolute best experience possible.
I also have to mention that these places–hospitals, schools and civic structures, the ones that are most rewarding in terms of community, are also the most rewarding in terms of challenges. They are really great places for civil engineers, they are so dense with complexities, thousands of details and interconnections, they show off what we can really do.
The most rewarding part of the job… I love getting my hands dirty, literally. Although most of my time is devoted to running the company, I make sure to find time to go out in the field or do some design work because being able to go out and physically work on a project reminds me why I love doing what I do.
Reach out to our team of experts with any questions or inquires. We would love to hear from you.