David Angers, CPESC, QSD/P, is director of survey for Bryant Surveys Inc. (BSI). Under the Sandis umbrella, BSI provides surveying services associated with vertical construction. David has been keenly monitoring his crew’s progress on the Washington State Convention Center expansion effort located in downtown Seattle. The 1.5 million square foot expansion is estimated to cost $1.8 billion dollars. It will double the capacity of the Center’s offerings and is scheduled to open mid-2022. “While the size of BSI’s projects vary, what’s unique about the Washington State Convention Center expansion is that we’ve had a 2-4 person crew on this project every day for almost a year,” says David.
Although BSI is based in Pleasanton, David and his team mainly focus their efforts on the Western United States but will perform services wherever they’re asked. They’ve even traveled to China and Panama for projects. When he’s not working, David can be found at his local tattoo parlor. In fact, he caught the tattoo bug after joining Sandis back in 1998. Looking for something new and unique to join his dog’s name and paw print tattoo, he decided to ink the firm’s new ‘S’ logo onto his calf. Not only did David move on to BSI, but “even worse Sandis just changed its logo,” he says with a laugh.