The purpose of the project was to repair and replace the existing failing site infrastructure and to mitigate drainage issues on Campus.The scope of infrastructure replacement includes:
Stormwater System. The existing storm drain system is comprised of 4-inch to 15-inch diameter storm drain pipes and one lift station. Portions of the campus storm drain system interconnect with the campus sanitary sewer system, creating a combined sewer system. The scope of the work is to replace the main storm drain trunk lines, separate the storm drain from the sanitary sewer system on the campus, and reroute the storm drain system to eliminate the lift station.
Sanitary Sewer System. The existing sanitary sewer system is comprised of 4-inch to 15-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipes and one lift station. Portions of the campus sanitary sewer system connects with the campus storm drain system, creating a combined system. The scope of the work is to replace the main sewer trunk lines, separate the sanitary sewer system from the storm drain on campus, and reroute the sanitary sewer system to eliminate the lift station.
Water System. The existing water system is a combined private water main which supplies domestic water, irrigation, and fire water services throughout campus. The scope of work is to replace the combined water main trunk lines and lateral services to domestic, irrigation, and fire water services on campus.
Natural Gas System. The existing natural gas system is comprised of three separate gas pipe networks. The scope of the project is to replace the existing pipe networks with new pipe networks, reconnect all existing services, and provide new connections where required.