Cooley Landing is a small peninsula within the San Francisco Bay that was formerly used as a waste disposal site. The first phase of this project required the capping of contaminated soils, opening of trails, addition of parking, and the design of a picnic area. Sandis acted as the prime consultant for this work and completed construction of this phase in October of 2012.
Phase 2 includes running utilities throughout the park, improving the existing road, and adding native plants. Phase 3 will include a new Education Center for the community, while Phase 4 includes only minor improvements around the new community center.
Part of the design of the park included a small boat launch for the Menlo Park Regional Fire Department. The ramp is designed to be a minimal part of the park and blend in with it’s surroundings.
One of the major challenges to this project was the demolition and building with contaminated soils. SANDIS carefully reviewed all utility trenching, grading, and drainage plans to be sure that no contaminated soils would permeate the surface and cause unsafe conditions for visitors and wildlife.